About HCMA

Board of Directors

MBy virtue of their offices, the following shall be voting ex officio members of the Board of Directors: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Councilor, Associate Councilors, and the chairs of all standing committees. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Board. In addition, the immediate past president shall serve for one year as a voting ex officio member of the Board of Directors.

 1. The Board of Directors shall have the power to act for The Association between the regular meetings of that body and shall report such actions to The Association at its next meeting.

 2. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the supervision and direction of The Association’s financial affairs. It will submit to The Association an annual budget.

 3. With the exception of the officers, (as defined in Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph 1 of the Bylaws), and the immediate past President, no member of the Board shall serve for more than six consecutive years.

 4. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, in the event a vacancy occurs in any elective office or elective position, the Board of Directors shall appoint a successor to fill the vacancy for such unexpired portion of the term as may precede the next Annual Meeting of The Association; any remaining unexpired portion of the term shall be filled by election of The Association at said Annual Meeting.


President: Frank A. Santoro, MD

Vice-President: Atique A. Mirza, MD

Secretary-Treasurer: Sama Alvi, MD

Immediate Past President: Akella S. Sarma, MD

Councilor: Gwendolyn H. Moraski, MD

Associate Councilor: Laureen F. Rubino, MD

Associate Councilor: Kevin W. Watson, MD


Board of Directors

Kristine Birdsall, MD  David Kruger, MD 
Faiqa Cheema, MD  Robert Malkin, MD
Madhavi Gorusu, MD  Nazer Qureshi, MD
Charanjeev Kapoor, MD  Richard Zhu, MD
Jane Keating, MD


Bylaws Committee

Considers all matters concerning the bylaws, as amended, and shall review any proposed changes. Any changes recommended by the Committee shall be referred to the Board of Directors.


Akella Sarma, MD, Chairman
Michael J. McNamee, MD
Atique Mirza, MD
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, MD
Frank A. Santoro, MD
Kevin W. Watson, MD


Community Health Committee

Represents the Association in all matters pertaining to community health information. It shall inform the Association and make information available to its members on community health matters. Shall serve as the liaison between the Association and other groups interested in improving and making available health care within the county.


Sama Alvi, MD, Chairperson
M. Natalie Achong, MD, MHL
Richard Fichman, MD
William J. Garrity, DO
R. Frederick Knauft, MD
Bollepalli Subbarao, MD


Finance Committee

Advises the Board on all matters related to the Association’s income, expenses, and investments.


Sama Alvi, MD, Chairperson
Madhavi Gorusu, MD
Michael J. McNamee, MD
Atique A. Mirza, MD
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, MD
Frank A. Santoro, MD
Akella Sarma, MD


Membership Benefits Committee

Responsible for all matters pertaining to membership development and retention, credentialing, orientation and indoctrination for provisory members.


Shahena Master, DO, Chairwoman
Atique A. Mirza, MD
Committee Application Form

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