HCMA Member Benefits- Legislative Oversight and Key Contact Program
- Health, Disability and Professional Liability Insurance Programs
- HAVEN (Health Assistance InterVention Education Network)
Program for the identification and rehabilitation of health care professionals suffering impairment - Peer Review Programs
- Media Campaign
- Patient Advocacy
- Responses to Regulatory and Ethical Questions and Practice Management Inquiries
- Health System Reform
- Community Health Programs
- Educational Seminars for Physicians and Their Staff
- HCMA Foundation – Established for Charitable and Educational Purposes
- Distinguished Service Award
- Young Physicians Research Award
NEW MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT! HUB International Healthcare Solutions and MedPro RRG offer significant savings for Medical Professional Liability Insurance.
Eligible Participants: Current members of HCMA
HUB International & MedPro present Med Professional Liability Insurance
Medical: Medicare Eligible
The HCMA currently endorses Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield as the carrier for its endorsed programs of health insurance for the Medicare eligible members and their spouses. There are three plans in place:
1. The High Option Plan 81 with Major Medical is currently frozen and not accepting new members. This plan is deemed to be “CREDITABLE” coverage.
2. Medicare Supplement Plan F with an Unlimited Prescription Drug Rider and No Donut Hole otherwise not available to members on a stand alone basis. This plan is deemed to be “CREDITABLE” coverage.
3. Medicare Supplement Plan F without Prescription Drug Coverage. This plan is NOT deemed to be “CREDITABLE” coverage.
The HCMA currently endorses two carriers and plans for members, their families and staff. Both are VOLUNTARY and not subject to normal issue and participation requirements.
1. The CIGNA DMO requires utilization of their providers with no deductibles or annual caps at extremely competitive rates.
2. The MetLife plan is a more traditional plan with deductibles, co-pays and a cap on spending. It does, however, allow for the utilization of any licensed provider.
Group Term Life
The HCMA currently endorses MetLife. All member physicians and staff are eligible for one and one half times their salary subject to a maximum of $300,000. Guaranteed issue for some of the coverage is available for new entrants to the plan who apply within sixty days of becoming eligible. Current rates are being reduced by 25%, making the plan extremely competitive, especially at the earlier ages.
1. The HCMA once endorsed Massachusetts Casualty for individual disability insurance. The Company was sold but a number of policies are in force and continue to be serviced.
2. MetLife – up to $17,000 per month benefits available at a 10% Association discount. Optional riders include residual disability, your occupation, cost of living adjustment, and automatic increase benefit.
3. The HCMA also continues to endorse the following coverage through The Hartford:
a. Weekly Disability – 15% benefit increase due to positive experience. Some Guarantee issue for new
b. Office Overhead Insurance
c. Both utilize banded rates and have short elimination periods and long benefit durations which are not the norm in today’s marketplace.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
The HCMA offers up to $100,000 of AD&D through The Hartford.
For information regarding any of your insurance needs or the endorsed products, please contact our agent, Nick Cianci, of Compass Total Benefit Solutions at [email protected] or 860-416-5333
The Hartford County Medical Association’s (“HCMA”) endorsement of any benefit plan and/or vendor is being provided for the convenience of our members. The HCMA’s endorsement does not constitute a guaranty of the services and products provided by the benefit plan vendors. The HCMA has no control over the services and products of the plans and it makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding any benefit plan, and the entities that provide and/or bill for such plans. The HCMA assumes no responsibility for any matters arising, directly or indirectly, between you and the plan vendors and any related parties. You are encouraged to perform your own independent evaluation and due diligence of the appropriateness of any benefit plan and vendor. You are utilizing any plan and/or vendor at your own risk.